Welcome to How to Change and Grow

Welcome to How to Change and Grow. The answers to life is found in seeking the Creater of life. We serve a good God. He wants to help us. God's Word guides and directs our steps while the Holy Sprit empowers us to transform, mature, prosper and more. The fullness of God's love brings us to beyond striving, to satisfying all our needs and anything we could ever hope or wish for. God's way IS a better way! God bless you as you learn HIS WAYS to change and grow.

May 18, 2011

How we Grow

Growth fills the gap between the person that I am and the person that I want to be. Growth means change, healing, and transformation. Any growth or change that makes you more loving and more like Jesus is spiritual growth. Growth is a principle of design. Principles are fundamental truths and universal designs that form rules, laws and standards in every area of life. God is our creator and He designed how things work within His creation. God created people to grow. Growth is part of life.
We want our life to work better in our relationships, in our goals, dreams, career, and ministry. We want to move beyond the past hurt, pain and the drama. Much healing takes place to move one through many painful experiences.  There is life beyond recovery. God has a plan and a purpose for you. Your purpose in life is the reason for living your life.
God is committed to the task of conforming you to the image and character of Jesus. The Bible tells us to renew our minds. Renewing your mind is information that changes your heart that changes your actions. God works on our hearts and minds and the evidence is shown in our character, reflecting the nature of God. The nature of God is grace and truth. Often our issues in life are a result of not growing into the image and likeness of Christ.
There are two types of growth: restoring growth and maturing growth. Restoring growth refers to a time and place where we are under reconstruction. It’s like a house being remodeled. Something is broken and needs fixing. We are unable to repair the damaged parts on our own. This process of spiritual growth is God reaching deep into our soul, in that dark, damaged, and injured place. As we face the truth about ourselves, we can grow and change. Maturing growth means we are on schedule. We are learning to develop aspects of God’s character that He has imparted to us. We are moving from a state of being incomplete, to a completed state.
We need enthusiasm for success. We need to focus on the goal. You won’t reach your highest potential until you are ready to leave your comfort zone. Usually our beliefs don’t change unless we have significant pain. Something has to shake us out of our old ways and then we begin to pursue a new approach and a new life.
Conflict is the stuff that doesn’t work and looks like this in our daily lives: consequences from bad or poor choices, dealing with difficult circumstances, unclear or no boundaries in your significant relationships, unresolved past injury like rejection or abuse, hiding, denial, and isolation, fear and distorted thinking, shame and feeling less than, and many more. The conflict and difficulties we experience in life are the result of sin in these three ways:
·        Sin we do to ourselves including pride, entitlement, selfishness and self-centeredness.
·        Sin against us by others. You were a victim. Someone took away your safety. Even though at one time you are a victim, you do not want to remain a victim. Learning to process loss involves a grieving.
·        Attacks from the enemy. The enemy tries to keep us distracted. He uses fear and confusion. He wants to cause dissention in our relationships.
How we grow: Resolution is the path of purpose, intent and determination to growth and maturity. To resolve means to make-up one’s mind and to come to a decision. First make a choice to grow. Admit you need to grow to make life work better. Next, take responsibility for your growth. Many people do not take responsibility for their own lives. They remain “stuck” because they want other people to change. You cannot change other people. You can only change yourself. Deal with what is yours and that includes the disappointment from not getting what you want.
Start the process. Begin where you are. Take action and start doing something different. Reflect on what is not working and what is working. Focus and begin some goal setting.
God “restores” and “matures” us as we grow closer to Him. We need wisdom and input in order to grow. We get that from God’s Word and through His people. We take responsibility for growth in our daily relationship with God through bible study, prayer, and worship. God created us in his image and He wants us to grow more fully into that image. God wants the best for you. God wants you to develop your talents and abilities. Our goal is to trust God as He molds and shapes us. God wants us to grow character in us – not be a bunch of characters!
We need people to grow. We grow when we develop healthy relationships. People make up life’s experiences and we need those experiences in life to grow. Find people who understand you and that are for you. Good healthy relationships offer acceptance and encouragement, strength and support, accountability and loving correction. Healthy relationships model grace and truth “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. 1Peter 4:10
God’s way always takes time. Anything worth having requires energy or some type of cost. “Jesus warns us against fast growth that has no depth. In the parable of the sower, the seed sprang up too quickly because the ground was rocky and the soil was shallow. The sun came up and the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root (see Matt. 13:5-6). Quick growth without firm root will always be short lived and superficial. Deep growth and meaningful relationships come with much effort over and over and over again.

You gain understanding by applying knowledge, through processing and practicing. An attitude towards excellence is to develop your potential to reach your goals, desires, and dreams. Let grace draw you into relationship and truth to give you understanding how to grow and live.

1 comment:

  1. Working the steps is the key to the process of growth.
