people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living
water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water”
(Jeremiah 2:13).
For believers of Jesus Christ, contentment should be
governed by their inner attitude and decisions rather than by external
circumstances. The Apostle Paul had learned this truth that in any kind of
situation he was in, regardless of in plenty or in need, or surrounded by
friends or isolated in prison, he was able to experience joy and peace. Paul learned
to draw from the source of life.
Paul understood what it meant to live in Christ and to
have Christ living in him (John 15:1-9; Gal. 5:22-23). He had made a simple but
profound faith decision to draw his life from the Lord and, as a result, had
the calm assurance that what he possessed inside could never be stolen. He was
confident in his identity as a child of the Almighty, with full access to the
abundant life Jesus offers.
When something threatens to steal your joy and contentment,
choose to draw from God. Decide to stop drawing from other sources and trying
to be in control. When you find yourself becoming flustered, anxious, or angry,
stop and say, "Lord, You are my source, and I draw from You. From the
capacity to be kind. I draw from You. From the forgiveness I need to extend
right now, I draw from You. The love I need to express I draw from You.” This
decision is a matter of simple trust: put your faith in God’s sovereign control
into action.
Watch and see how God will quiet your spirit and provide
confidence when you draw only from Him as your source. When you respond from
within rather than from reacting to the external, you will come to know and
understand that only Jesus will give you the ability to respond as He would.
Check out this related post:http://goodeyeconcepts.blogspot.com/2012/08/a-heart-for-god.html
Check out this related post:http://goodeyeconcepts.blogspot.com/2012/08/a-heart-for-god.html