Welcome to How to Change and Grow

Welcome to How to Change and Grow. The answers to life is found in seeking the Creater of life. We serve a good God. He wants to help us. God's Word guides and directs our steps while the Holy Sprit empowers us to transform, mature, prosper and more. The fullness of God's love brings us to beyond striving, to satisfying all our needs and anything we could ever hope or wish for. God's way IS a better way! God bless you as you learn HIS WAYS to change and grow.

June 30, 2012

The Wall of Stubborn Resistance

Stubborn resistance is an internal wall that blocks the efforts to achieve your dreams and goals. Stubborn resistance can keep you from seeing your blind spots that feeds the belief that there is little or no hope for getting past the obstacles that prevents you from experiencing a new life. If you have been trying to improve your relationships, income, health, etc. and you are not seeing any measurable results, there is something blocking you from making that shift and moving forward.

Take a hard look: A stubborn person is someone that is difficult to handle and manage, much like a child or employee. Resistance is an opposing force. When you are stuck in a stubborn resistance mind-set, you hear words that would help you move past your walls but refuse to attend them. You have a hard time with going along with what others think even when those ideas could be helpful and good. You defend and rationalize your behaviors and attitudes. People build their whole identity around resisting the suggestions of others. They project their problems onto someone else, blaming others for their circumstances or for the way they are. They react to those who challenge them, because they will do anything they can to protect the walls they have created to avoid the pain of self-examination.

See the need: We are seldom willing to change until we first see the need. Open your mind to new possibilities. We become aware when we start to listen to others who are willing to speak into our lives. Opening our minds to the possibility of another person’s point of view is the way to begin to remove the walls that are holding you back. Open-mindedness is characterized by the ability to see things from another person’s perspective. Open-minded people are able to be quiet for a while and listen to someone else who may have something valuable to contribute. Open-minded people realize that they are not always right and that they need to make things right when they are wrong.

Change requires willingness: Open-mindedness is a valuable assessment tool, but it isn’t much help unless you follow-up with a willingness to act upon your new perspective. Some people have several dreams they will never experience or plans that they will never accomplish. A person of willingness moves beyond desire, to doing what it takes to make their life different. They move beyond good intentions and are willing to embrace change that leads to transformation.

Growth requires action: To grow relationally, emotionally, and spiritually does not just happen to us; it requires a great deal of effort but as we put the effort into the process, we will see the fruit and results. This doesn’t mean that we must do it all on our own or that God does it all. Our sanctification is a collaborative effort between both God and us. We have certain tasks, and He has certain tasks including preparing our hearts, setting up the circumstances, and bringing forth results from the growth work.

Review your life and consider the times you were stubborn and resistive to change and growth, missing opportunities God intended for you. Look at the reasons behind these and begin to work on them. What areas of your life may require a hard look, seeing the need, and willingness and action to get the results you desire?

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