Welcome to How to Change and Grow

Welcome to How to Change and Grow. The answers to life is found in seeking the Creater of life. We serve a good God. He wants to help us. God's Word guides and directs our steps while the Holy Sprit empowers us to transform, mature, prosper and more. The fullness of God's love brings us to beyond striving, to satisfying all our needs and anything we could ever hope or wish for. God's way IS a better way! God bless you as you learn HIS WAYS to change and grow.

July 7, 2012

Phantom Walls

Much of the time the walls that hold us back, are barriers built in our minds from incomplete or misunderstood pieces of reality and combined half-truths woven together in such a way, that builds a false perception of the truth. In that sense what prevents us from moving forward with our lives are phantom walls; walls that are not really there. They are fabricated, at least in part in our own minds from our limited perspectives. We take fragments of reality and parts of the truth, and build ideas that are not complete or accurate. We build barriers of anger and resentment about things others have done, or guilt about things that were not our fault. Maybe you have built a phantom wall by making someone else responsible for something that is clearly your own doing. Playing the victim role, and blaming others for what’s wrong in your life, becomes a wall in your mind that holds you back.

Get a new perspective: Getting past phantom walls requires a new perspective. We often carry destructive thoughts around with us that may not exactly fit the real facts. In our pain, resentment, or anger, we may have assumed things that were not true. The new perspective we need in getting past our walls is more than just seeing the upside of the difficult experiences in life. It is not a matter of merely seeing the glass as half full. It is looking at life from a broader perspective and more than just what has happened in the past. Getting a new perspective requires looking deeper into all of the facts surrounding the past rather than personalizing the hurt.

Look at the history: Getting past a wall could mean learning more about the history of the person who rejected or abused you and discovering the origins of the rejection or abuse. Many parents and children are estranged from each other, not realizing that they actually share a bond of neglect, a common experience of pain, and a mutual battle to move beyond walls of resentment and bitterness. When an abandoned or abused person comes up for air from a life of bitterness, anger, or resentment, they can come to see that they did not have the whole story. The person who inflicted the hurt may have found healing, and the pain the victim feels may be that person’s biggest regret.

Understanding reality removes walls: As we read the Bible we find that Jesus was intent on getting people to see the truth. He often challenged people the way they looked at life and each other. Sometimes He would say, “You have heard it said…” and then quote some established belief. Then He would counter that common wisdom with, “But, I say….” And proceed to astound listeners with an amazing new perspective on the old way of thinking. Jesus philosophy could be summarized this way: Life is not all about you, it is not all about things, and it is not even about this world. It is not all about feeling good or getting what you want. It is not about what you think you need right now. It is about another world beyond Earth and an inner world of the heart without conflict or pretense. Jesus made a difference two thousand years ago because He challenged people to see things from a perspective based on truth and reality. The old way of thinking created barriers because it is not based on truth and reality. Living in the truth sets us free. It is another way of saying that understanding reality removes walls.

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